10 Novembre 2022

THE DYNAMICS OF INEQUALITY – Monday, 14th November 2022 – Seminar by Francesco Magris and Ludovico Carrino


Starting after the Second World War, especially in the Western world, there has been an increase in economic inequalities. We will see that the dynamics of income and capability inequalities do not always follow the same trend. In particular, Thomas Piketty highlighted the dramatic increase in economic inequalities, which would be the result of poor GDP growth compared to the rentability of assets, a phenomenon that would accelerate the gap between earners of labor income and holders of wealth.

Data: Monday, 14th November 2022

Time: 6.30PM

Place: Sala Cappella, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40

Language: English/Italian

Francesco Magris is Full Professor at the University of Trieste (DEAMS)

Ludovico Carrino is Senior Lecturer at the University of Trieste (DEAMS). He is Visiting Professor at King’s College London and affiliated to the Department of Economics of the Ca’Foscari University of Venezia.

Programme: click the link


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